Searching for Processed Cashew Nut in your area?
We, R.K Agro-Processing should be your one-stop destination for Processed Cashew Nut.
If yes, you are here at the right place. We, R.K Agro-Processing should be your one-stop destination for Processed Cashew Nut. We feel proud to share that the we are # 1 Processed Cashew Nut Manufacturers in the cashew Industry.
We procure raw cashew nuts from our farmers and local market and dry them in the sun for two days before storing them in the gunny bags for processing. The sun-drying removes excess moisture from the nuts and helps us to store them for a longer time. The processed Cashew Nuts are obtained after a four-stage process, each process is designed to better quality cashew kernel. Steam Roasting is our first stage where the outer shell of the raw cashew nut is removed to get the cashew kernel. This stage removes the hard shell with minimal effort. In this stage, we put cashew nuts in a drum connected to a mini boiler.
Ensured Quality And Products
Processed Cashew Nuts- Heavy Nutrients In Small Size
These nuts are then stored in an oven to make the inner shell brittle.
Now the inner shell is peeled to remove the white nuts. Each of the nuts is peeled individually to get the white nuts. After this stage, the white cashew kernel is sent to the grading department. The department divides them into main types: wholes and pieces. The wholes are further segregated into 15 different grades and the pieces into 9 main grades. The cashew kernel is then packed into plastic bags for customers. We do supply processed cashew nuts in bulk to our local market clients.
We are the Processed Cashew Nut wholesalers in India. All of our products comply with international safety standards. You can check our cashew quality and place your order on us. Most of our customers are our long-term customers and they are happy buying from us from past years.